Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

3 br THE MARION DAILY CHRONIC HADLEY WILL NOT ASSIST. THIRD PARTY Missouri Governor Will Take No Part in Roosevelt's New Organization 44 TRESS Jefferson City, July he has no Intention of taking any part In the formation of a third party, was the leclaration of Governor Herbert Hadley in a formal statement issued there today. have nothing to add to or take from what I said in the Chicago convention," the statement says. have no intention of taking part in the formation a third party, believe render more useful public "service by continuing as a member of the republican party. ain willing to concede that the republican party has ceased to be all agency of good government.

I know, however. there is no occasion for a third party this state, 88 the republican party in the state is thoroughly, progressive and will 80 continue." Hadley continued that while he un'derstands the Roosevelt supporters will place an electoral ticket on the allot in the. interent of the colonel's candidacy, he will take no part in the preparation of such a ballot, and it will be a subject for future consideration of those Interested in the success of the party in state as to whether the names of the republican state and Iccal candidates can not be placed upon this ballot, as well as on the regular republican ticket. "I LIKE THAT KIND-YOU NEVER CAN TELL" GIRL OBJECTS TO ERTI-4 FIED SWEETHEARTS" AS PROPOSED BY A CHICAGO CLUB. PRESS Chicago, 'July 6 -'Certifed sweethearts" 1s the policy of the Bettany club for girls.

Moral, social and financial conditions are to be certified by Mrs. William A. Peterson, chairman of the executive committee. After she "certifies" the young man the girls can go as far as they like. The beau, to pass, must be devoid of the tendencies that keep girls guessIng.

He must be book, easy to read and understand." There are one thousand girls In the club. "Gee whiz! I like them kind chat you never can tell," said Miss Beulah "The otbers are liable to be dull." $. "There are thirty thousand girls who live In small rooms or under other conditions which make dimicult for them to receire young men callers." said Miss Marian Lawrence, secretary of the Bethany girls. "We are going to censor the young men and furnish clubrooms for the girls to meet those who are approved." 144 QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWERED IN CAMORRA CASE PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Viterbo, Italy, July questiong which the jury trying the Comorrists must answer number 144. with Among reference them to are the followthe instigators of the crime: Is the accused, Enrico Alfano, guilty of having in May or June, 1906, alone or with others, instigated the murder of Gennaro Cuocolo at Terre Del Greco on June Was there premeditation? W'as the crime aggravated by the formation of a criminal association? Prior to the summing up of the Judge, Alfano exclaimed: 'don't ask mercy, but justice.

My only: for all." desire is that the law shall be equal The priest, Vitozzi. who was included the questions relating to the criminal association, raised his eves to heaven cried: "I still trust to justice and the conscience of my fellow men represented here by the The case will 800n be with the Jury. Every Woman Laterosied and shoal about the wonderful MARVEL DeW Whirling Spray pet for he cannot sapply send stamp book to ladies. directions NEW WHEN IN TROUBLE JUST CALL Phone 2269 FOR FURNACE INSTALLING AND REPAIRING. TIN AND SHEET METAL 7 WORK.

We do our own work, and by' doing we can promise you attention all work our hands. "STIMATES, FURNISHED ON ANY WORK. TRY US. LOUIS PFEFFERLE 411 S. BOOTS STREET.

MAY BE JUDGE OF 'JUVENILE COURT Elon 3 pencer Messey, Washington, D. July len Spencer Mussey, 'dean of the Washington College of Law, and vice president of the board of education of the district of Columbia, has been put forvial workers of the national capital ward by women lawyers and soas a candidate for judge of the juvenile court of the district. The term of the present occupant of the bench expired June 30 and Jresldent Taft will at once appoint hissuccessor. It is known that he bag Mrs. Mrs.

Mussey Mussey under has considerationctive years of her life in Washington, and has taken part in all movementa for the uplift of children and women. With voice and pen she has pleaded of law, education and industry. She 1g for a better conditions along the lines a practicing lawyer before the supreme of the United States and the ferior courts in the District of Col-! umbia. She hag promoted kindergar-; tens, special schools and play grounds, and she drew the Mussey law, which makes mothers equal guardians with fathers of their children. WHITEHOUSE TO BE SCENE OF FUNCTION I UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Beverly, July Taft will receive the formal notifica-1 tion that he is the nominee of the republican party at the White House, in Washington, August 1.

He believes that Washington is the most convenient place for the committee to wait upon him and desires to entertain them in the White House. It had been proposed to hold the ceremony here. It is probable that Mrs. Taft and the Taft children will leave their summer home here for a few days to he present at the notification ceremonies. The president has arranged a reception for early next week to the subcommittee of the republican national committee which is to meet bim to go over the situation and which will bear his suggestions for a chairman of the national committee.

Several hundred invitations have been sent out. Many of the prominent republicans of the country will be present. The president has not changed his mind as to a chairman of the national committee, and it is said that his secretary, C. D. Hilles, will probably be selected.

President Taft expects only one distinguished guest caller during his stay here, Governor Pothier, of Rhode Island, who came for luncheon today. The president intends to play golf as much a8 possible, and loaf as much as DOggible when he is not playing golf. JONESBORO JOTTINGS Elder F. M. Roberts and John Hammitt are among the Arst veterans of the Civil war in Jonesboro who have been granted increases in their pensions under the new law, which was enacted by congress May 11, 1912.

Both Mr. Roberta and Mr. Hammitt have received substantial increases. Harry Williams and Myra Williams of Westport. Baltimore, surprised their parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Nicocemus, by dropping off the noon Panhandle train Friday and appearing at the Nicodemus home In Jonesboro. Ther will remain in Jonesboro until Mr. Williams leaves in August for the past- to attend the convention of the National Glass Blowers' union, to which he is a delegate. Rev.

Moses Smith of Missouri, formerly pastor of the Gas City Baptist church, as well 38 of the Baptist church at Fairmount. is the guest of Daniel Hopple of North Jonesboro and friends. He left Saturday for the home of his brother near Summitville to visit over Sunday. Rev. Smith is a veteran of the Ciril wAr, having been a captain In the Sixth Indiana infantry.

The cases of Jerome A. Shumaker and the Roman known as "Mary who are charged with immorality, which were. to have been tried before noon, were cent to the court of Justice Justice M. B. Fowler Friday after0108 I.

Cray on change of venue. Chris Hupp 18 going about crutches on account rheumatism one his left knee, which is badly swollen. Marshal John Sutphin is also suffering from rheumatism in- his shoulder, and is scarcely able to use one of his aring. There ceems be an epidemic of rheumatism in Jonesboro, as several persons are suffering from it. The men employed In the tire department of the Jonesboro rubber works are enjoying a vacation until next Monday.

D. M. Bell spent the Fourth at Dunkirk and Portland. His wife ig. visiting relatives and friends at the latter plare.

Mr. and Mra. I. Nicodemus spent the Fourth at Upland. The funeral the infant child of Mrs.

Lola Bradford of Portland, will be held Sunday mOTning at 10:30 o'clock from, the Jonesboro Friends' church. Forrest is the daughter of Amos Bradford, former Jonesboro resident. Rev. Tre Gary of. Marion will preach.

at the Jonesboro Presbyterian church Sunday evening, while a minister from South Marion will preach Sunday morning. Riley Howell SaturLay morning. Thaw Says He Expects to Be Freed By Present Habeus Corpias Action New York; July 6. "I do not expect to go back to Matteawan," said Harry K. Thaw today, in the first statement has made concerning the present habeas corpus proceedings before Justice Martin J.

Keogh at White Plains. "I expect to be free very Boon. My case has been very ably conducted." Thaw made his statement before reurning to the courtroom after recess. Are was plainly Jubilant over the testimony that has been adduced thus far in the case. He smiled boyishly when asked why he was not assisting his counsel a8 at former trials.

"I guess my council is able to take care of himself," said Thaw. "Mr. Shearn seems to have done wonderfully so far." "Don't you think: Dr. Austin Flint was more alert on the stand than Dr. MacDonald?" be was asked.

"Go on," replied Thaw. "This man is ten times as smart as Dr. Flint. Dr. MacDonald is trying to be logical.

Flint did not care what he said. MacDonald is trying to be logical, but just the same do you notice how he cuts right across lots to show what be wants and to make the facts fit his preconceptions? "I think Mr. Shear's use of hypothetical questions will dissipate the Illusion that I suffer continued Thaw, smiling slightly. "Mr. Shearn's questions of this nature are much aborter than Jerome's.

Did you notice that McDonald said thirty times that he did not want to express an opinion! Don't you taink that is very damaging?" Temperature in'the courtroom went NOTRE DAME TEACHER DIES South Bend, Ind, July Urban, C. S. 77 years old and for more than half a century a member of the faculty of the University of Notre Dame, died in the college Infrmary following lingering illness. Brother Urban, whose worldly name was Andrew McKeown, was native of Ireland, having been born in County Armagh. He became a member of the Order of Holy Cross June 23, 1861, taking Anal vows in September, 1863.

taught in schools in Philadelphla, Camden, N. LaSalle, Lafayette, and Chicago, in addition to Notre Dame. N. Jin Gorham, cashier Bank of Woodville, Woodvllo, had 8 very severe attack of kidney trouble and the pains in his kidneys and back were terrible. "I got a bottle of Foley Kidney Pills from our druggist and they.

entirely relteved me. have more beneft from them than any other medicine." Davis drug store. ti 1 up ten degrees in the last bour of 889- sion, during which Clarence J. Shearn, Thaw's attorney, hotly attacked the medical and ethical viewpoints of Dr. Charles F.

McDonald, the state's allenist. For fifteen hours of Wednesday's and today's sessions Mr. Sheafn had put Mr. MacDonld through one of the most thorough in medicolegal The distinguished. experienced witness that he 18, answered a trifle testily when Mr.

Shear attempted to force from him an admission that he is biased. Mr. Sbearn then asked Dr. MacDonald in his opinion, Thaw know "the nature and quality of. the act" when he shot Stanford White." did," replied the allenist unresmatingly.

"Thaw impelled by delusion. He knew that his act WaS wrong' in the eyes of the law, but he bad not a rational appreciation of the act. He, in common with all paranolacs, had a knowledge of right and wrong In the abstract." Shearn referred to Thaw's letter to Governor Dix and asked the witness to point out paragraphs and sentences that were Indicative of paranoi. The witness replied that it was as though Mr. Shearn bad shown him a number of bricks and asked him to show tuey made up house.

"Take In connection with other things these things show that Thaw is a true be said. Baseball Standing and Results AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. Pet.

Columbus .55 29 .655 Toledo ...52 30 634 Minneapolis 48 32 600 Kansas City 39 42 181 St. Paul 36 47 .434 Milwaukee 35 48 .422 Louieville .30 4 6 395 Indianapolis 31 52 .373 FRIDAY'S RESULTS. Indianapolis, Toledo, 1. St. Paul, Minneapolis, 3.

Kansas City, Milwaukee, 3. Louisville, Columbus, 7-Thirteen innings; darkness. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost.

Pct. New York 56 13 .809 Chicago 39 26 .600 Pittsburg ..40 27 .697 Cincinnati 35 36 .493 Philadelphia ...29 35 .453 Brooklyn .27 41 397 St. Louis 46 .370 Boston 22 50 .306 FRIDAY'S RESULTS, Philadelphia, 10; Boston, New York, Brooklyn, 1. Pittsburg, Cincinnati, 4. Chicago, St.

Louis, 0. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. Pct.

Boston .50 24 676 DAY AND NIGHT The BIG MARION FAIR JULY 23,24, 25, 26,27, 1912 SPECIAL FEATURES 571 People--GREATER PARKER SHOWS-32 doable length cars. 18-Attractions-18. World's greatest features. "Che-F-A-L-O" making his LOOP. dare The most ride" through sensational, the reckless DEATH and death defying exhibition ever conceived as an amusem*nt feature.

Great Bertini," world's greatest Unicyclist, ascending and descending a lofty Spiral Tower on one wheel of a bicycle. "The -The Good $30,000.00 Night Equine Wonder. Fire "The Fighting Horse Horse" with a Human Brain." big European feature imported to this country, especially for this season's tour by B. W. Parker.

35-piece concert band of all solo artists. Corine Wilson, the lady that "Sings to Beat the Band. GRANT COUNTY INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION 3 Big Free Acts Harness, Running and Motor Cycle Races There will be something doing every minute for six days and nights ADMISSION, Adults 25c Night admission 10c Children 12, 15c Washington 44 31 .587 Philadelphia 29 .586 Chicago 41 30 .577 Cleveland 35 35 .500 Detroit 36 38 .486 New York 19 49 .279 St. Loulg ..18 48 .273 FRIDAY'S RESULTS. Washington.

New York, 5-Sixteen innings. Philadelphia, 3-3; Boston, 2-5. Chicago, Detroit, 3. CENTRAL LEAGUE. Won.

Lost. Pet. Dayton 44 28 611 Fort Wayne 42 31 .575 Youngstown 42 28 .600 Springfield 40 30 .571 Erie 40 30 .571 Terre Haute 36 38 486 Wheeling 34 37 .479 Canton .33 37 .471 Akron ....31 39 443 Grand Rapids 40 .437 South Bend 26 44 .371 Zanesville 25 44 .362 FRIDAY'S RESULTS. Fort Wayne, 5-5; Grand Rapids, 3-3. Dayton, 2-3; Terre Haute, 0-2.

Springfeld, South Bend, 1- Eleven Canton, Akron, 1. Erie, Youngstown, 3. Wheeling, Zanesville, 0. PUMP AIR INTO MAN'S BODY; "PRACTICAL JOKE" KILLS. Michigan City, July 6.

-John Dzuma, a factory om ploye, died at 8. hospital last night after compressed air had been injected into his body by three fellow employes as a "practical joke." Dzuma suffered extended internal injuries. Albert Lebig, one of those charged with inJuring Dzuma, wag arrested. He said two men held Dzuma while another injected air into Dzuma's body by means of a hose attached to a compressed air pump. "It Was only a joke," said Lebig.

George L. Higbie, Manton, used Foley Kidney Pills for kidney and bladder trouble. He says: "I find for my case no other medicine equals Foley Kidney Pills for beneficial effect." They are a safe and reliable medicine for kidney trouble and rheumatism. Contain no harmful drugs. Davis drug store.

tf Embroidery Work For Women LARGE DOILY FOR MUNCH WORK A set of plate doilies in the punch work will make a charming addition to the table linen. The scallops are first padded and then closely buttonholed. The are outlined with very coarse mercerized cotton, and the dots are worked solid. A very large needle and Ane thread should be used for the punch work. Begin in any cormer of the pattern and pierce material at the Arst dot of the second row of dots from the upper left band corner of the pattern.

Tie the thread at the back of the material, draw it through and pass first row, bringing it up in the drat dot of the second row then down again in the first dot of the fret row and up in the second dot of the drat row, and up in the gecond dot of the second row, row and up In the second dot of down in the second dot of the first second row, then down on the second dot of the Arst row and up on the third dot of the second row. When you have finished all the work in one direction, repeat the same at right angles uutil all the dots have been pierced. Draw the thread quite tight. a Use mercerized cotton No. 8 for outlining and No.

40 for the punch work. DIRECTIONS FOR TRANSFERRING. In taking off these patterns, lay a piece of Impression paper upon the material, place the newspaper pattern over this, and with 8 hard, sharp pencil draw Armly over each line. If the material is sheer it may be laid the pattern and drawn off with pencil, as the show through. Rev.

J. K. Wyant of Forest, was a Marion visitor over the Fourth, and had his pocket picked while at the Soldiers' Home grounds Thursday evening, but the thief did not get any money. Rev. Wyant reports that his bank book and 8 number of valuable papers which be carried in his left hip pocket were stolen, but that there was no money or checks in the bank deposit book.

Attorney William Ameden admits he is a victim of the "dips" that worked in Marion Thursday, and that he discovered his purse bad been stolen in time to borrow money from Mrs. Amsden with which to pay his fare to the city from the Home. Read about our great enamelware special in today's advertisem*nt and be sure and get one. BOSTON STORE. 1 A 1 1 17 queen 1.

MINISTER IS THIEF VICTIM tr- $. 8 14: 6 1. A 4 3 1: 2.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.